Rider Ability Levels

Further information on our Riding ability levels. Please check your level before booking. All horses are allocated and prepared prior to your arrival. If you are not at the level declared you may not be able to ride.



Horses/ponies are not led on beach/dune rides  you must be able and confident to ride and lead a quiet horse at a walk to ride out. All riders going out to the beach/dunes must have some prior experience. If you are a complete beginner you will need to book the 1 hour beginner experience.

Your Safety is important to us please do not over-estimate your ability. We use the information you provide on your booking form to match you with a suitable horse, please make sure this information is accurate.

All our rides have minimum ages, but if you feel that your child has the ability to take part in a particular ride contact us to discuss further. 

All our horses are ridden English style with English saddles and bridles. If you have only Western-type saddle experience, you will be considered a beginner/novice rider unless you have taken English seat riding lessons. For any advanced beach rides, riders need to be familiar with English saddles and be able to rise (post) to the trot and canter.


  • Beginner/Novice Rides

    1½ hour Beginner experience minimum age of 8 years.
    1½ hour Novice Dune Trail minimum age of 10 years.
    All rider must have previously received riding tuition

  • Intermediate/Advanced Riders

    1½ hour Intermediate/Advanced beach ride minimum age is 10 years old.
    2 hour Intermediate/advanced beach ride & Half Day experience minimum age is 12 years old.

    All riders must be riding regularly and previously received tuition.
    All riders will be assessed (unless a weekly rider at Donegal EC) at all paces in the arena before going out. Our decision on the assessment is final. If not at the standard the ride will revert to a dune ride if suitable horses are available.

  • Lessons

    We have a range of lessons, walkouts & pony camps that stay on site for children from 4 years old. Riding lessons

    Adult lessons and horse care sessions are also available.

Learning to turn the horse

Complete Beginner

A person who has never ridden or only ridden occasionally for  example pony trekking on holiday.

Horses are not led on beach/dune rides so all riders going out to the beach or dunes must have prior riding experience and received riding tuition.  We do offer a one hour beginner experience which includes a lesson in the arena and a walk out along the country lane.

We can arrange a series of lessons for you to give you the skills needed to ride out the sand dune trail. Please email for full details.

Beginner Rider

A rider who can lead, mount, dismount, walk, turn and stop a quiet horse. May have tried trotting and has received some prior instruction in an arena.

Horses are not led on dune trails the rider must be confident enough to control a quiet horse whilst out of the arena. If you have never ridden or received instruction you must book a complete beginner ride.

We also run arena based lessons for beginner riders.

Beginner Sand Dune Trail
Beach To Dunes 500
Novice Sand Dune Trail

Novice Rider

A rider who is competent at riding a horse/pony at walk and rising (posting) trot can lead, mount, dismount, walk, trot, turn and stop a quiet horse. May have tried cantering and has received some prior instruction in an arena. A rider who has cantered but is nervous or not done so in a while. A rider who only has ridden western style.

Horses are not led on dune trails  the rider must be confident enough to control a quiet horse whilst out of the arena. If you have never ridden or received instruction you must book a complete beginner ride.
We also run arena based lessons for beginner riders.

Intermediate Rider

A person who is riding regularly that is competent at riding and control a horse/pony at walk and rising (posting) trot & canter can lead, adjust girth & stirrups, mount, dismount, walk, trot, canter, turn and stop a horse. Has received instruction in an arena and may have tried jumping. A rider who is confident riding outside of an arena. A person who may of ridden regularly in the past to an advanced level but is not currently a regular rider.

Beach Canter
Beach Ride
Advanced Riders on 2 hour ride

Advanced Rider

A rider who is competent & confident at riding a horse/pony at walk, rising (posting) trot, canter & gallop. Can lead, girth & adjust stirrups unaided. Can control a more advanced horse/pony when cantering/galloping in company in open spaces & not overtake the horse in front. Is riding fit and riding regularly at this level.