Please read our full terms and conditions before booking.



Your choice to ride is voluntary. We take all reasonable care to provide suitable and safe horses and ponies for all our clients. All animals can be unpredictable. We strongly advise you to take out full personal accident cover.

In the event that a rider is not capable of the riding level required for a particular ride, Donegal Equestrian Centre reserves the right to request that that rider not commence and/or continue that ride. Determining the level of experience and/or suitability of a rider is done at the sole discretion of Donegal Equestrian Centre.

All persons riding must have completed a Rider Registration Form, read the rider's code of conduct & risk advisory before the ride commences. When booking online you will receive a link to complete your online waiver/registration form which also contains the code of conduct & risk advisory please read it thoroughly.  Each Adult (18yrs & over) must complete and sign their own form. An adult must complete and sign any form for a minor (under 18yrs). If you are not able to complete online please let us know before arrival. Registration/wavier forms can also be completed at FILL OUT FORM this link can also be used to read the Code of Conduct & Risk Advisory.

Any special requirements/needs/medical issues must be declared when booking. Acceptance of a booking with special requirements will be at the discretion of Donegal EC taking into account whether they have a suitable pony, equipment and staff to conduct the session safely.

Clients should re-submit their Rider Registration Form if their details change. (the responsibility falls to the Parent/Guardian if the child is under 18).
All horses/ponies are pre-allocated and prepared based on the information that you have given on your registration form.

We reserve the right to refuse you to ride a particular horse/pony if we feel that the safety of the rider or horse is in question.
You reserve the right to change to another horse/ pony, providing one is available, and it is practical and safe to do so.
You also have the right to request another Instructor subject to availability.
All beach & dune rides - All riders that have booked a beach or dune ride will be assessed in the arena before going out to the beach/dunes. If you are not to the required standard we will try and transfer you to another ride but you will not be refunded if you have over estimated your ability. Our decision on the riding assessment is final. 
Bad Weather or Conditions - Rides/lessons are rarely cancelled due to inclement weather.  Fees paid for rides/lessons that are booked in advance will not be refunded unless Donegal Equestrian Centre deems that the weather is unsuitable to proceed with the event.  Customers are advised to bring suitable clothing for the season of the year.
We reserve the right to cancel riding because of bad weather at any time. Management’s decision is final.
Overweight riders/lack of experience - Our upper weight limit is 220lbs, 16.5 stone or 105kg. For safety and horse welfare reasons we are unable to accept riders over this weight.
Donegal Equestrian Centre reserves the right to cancel an advance booking in the event that, when a rider arrives on the arranged day he/she is either over the weight, or not of the level of experience that he/she declared on the on-line booking form. In such a case, if no alternative mount is available, a refund will not be given.

Instructors reserve the right to refuse to teach a client for any reason.
Every effort will be made by Donegal Equestrian Centre to give customers an enjoyable and memorable experience.  Each ride/lesson will be taken by a trained escort according to the declared level of the rides or riders.

Extra Visitors and/or Friends of the Family:
Children must be supervised at all times by a legally responsible person.
Parents are advised not to leave your children unattended at any time during their stay at Donegal Equestrian Centre.
If spectating in the, please remain as quiet as possible, and in full view of the horses/ponies & Instructor at all times.
Whilst spectating, the Instructor reserves the right to ask you to leave the arena area if they feel the safety of the rider or horse/pony is in question.
You cannot walk with the horses to the beach. The track to the beach is very narrow and hilly and is often muddy so is not suitable for walkers.
If you would like to meet the ride on the beach to take photos etc. that is no problem but you need to drive to the car park at Tullan Strand and walk onto the beach from there.

Young Children: Must be supervised at all times by a responsible person and remain quiet whilst lessons are in progress and not to run around the viewing area.

Movement of Horses & ponies and Farm Equipment around the yard and surrounding areas is unavoidable and we ask you to give way to them at all times.

Warning Signs: We have many different warning signs all over the grounds, they are there for a reason, you must obey them. We reserve the right to ask you to leave the grounds at any time if we think you are a danger to yourself.

Smoking Policy: We have a No Smoking Policy.

Horses/Ponies: All animals are unpredictable; Do Not Feed the Horses & Ponies at any time. Don't enter any field, box or make contact with a Horse or Pony at any time, without prior authorisation from a member of Management

Cars, Bicycles: We cannot be held responsible for any damage to your transportation while on the premises/grounds. All vehicles are parked on the site at the owner's risk.

Personal Property: We cannot be held responsible for Damage, Theft or Loss of your personal property while it's on the premises.

Parking: The car parking area is behind the indoor arena next to the outdoor arena. Please be aware of riders in the arena and keep noise e.g slamming car doors and sudden movements to a minimum. Do not allow children to run up to the arena fence/gate or stand/sit on it. Parking is not permitted at the bottom of the drive or on the sliproad/way.
The drive is not a footpath and walkers are advised to take extreme care due to the uneven surface.
Walking along the drive is entirely at your own risk.
Maximum Speed on the premises is 5mph.

PLEASE NOTE: Donegal Equestrian Centre, Owners, Staff and Managing agents cannot be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss to any persons or their property whilst on these premises or whilst riding.

AGREEMENT OF TERMS: If you do not agree with any of Terms and Conditions, then you do not have permission to enter the premises and any bookings are null and void. Our no Cancellation Policy applies in this situation as well because our Terms and Conditions are available online and on request at any time. As such you have every opportunity to read them before booking any activity and a refund will not be available on failure to accept them.


Safety Equipment and Riding Wear:

Please also see our what to wear guide
P.P.E (Personal Protective Equipment): Every time you handle a horse you are required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Riding Helmets:

Must be worn and fastened at all times while riding a horse.
Must be worn and fastened at all times while handling or a horse.
Helmets are available to hire (free of charge) for casual clients.
We strongly advise all regular clients to purchase their own helmet as soon as possible.
All children joining the young riders club must have their own helmet.

Protective headwear must meet one of the following standards:
From 01/01/2016 hats made solely to (BS)EN1384 will not be permitted for use in AIRE Approved Centres.

PAS 015 2011 onwards with Kitemark
VG1 01.040 2014-12 with BSI Kitemark or Inspec IC Mark 
ASTM F1163 2004a onwards with SEI mark
SNELL E2006 onwards
AS/NZS 3838 2006 onwards

Body Protectors:

We do not provide body protectors.
Body Protectors must be worn for all cross country jumping lessons and by all children that are jumping in the arena.
We strongly recommend you wear one whenever riding.

Riding Footwear:

Clients must wear appropriate footwear while riding.
Riding boots are available to hire (free of charge) for casual clients.
We reserve the right to refuse footwear we deem unsafe
We recommend toe protection whenever handling a horse.


You should not wear Jewellery of any kind, anything you wear you do so at your own risk.
It's the parent’s responsibility to check their child isn't wearing Jewellery.


Punctuality and Arrival Times

Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the lesson/ hack /pony ride to allow time for registration and fitting of helmets & boots.

If you are late, we unfortunately cannot make that time up as other clients will be waiting for their ride out or lesson to start on time.
If we are late for whatever reason we will make up your lesson/hack time.

All trek itineraries and/or routes are approximate. Occasionally conditions dictate that they be changed. All itineraries are subject to change at any time and for any reason at the sole discretion of Donegal Equestrian Centre.


Paying for your Experience

When booking online payment is required in full at time of booking.

For late on the day bookings - Payment is required on arrival, please note that we do not have onsite card facilities so please ensure you have cash with you.

If you don’t know which day you want to ride you can purchase a ride voucher in advance and email or telephone to book a day & time.

It is a condition of booking that you accept our cancellation policy.
If you fail to turn up, you will be required to pay in full.